SHSR Student Development Initiatives 2022
Starting off 2022 on a high note:
Personal growth and development activities at the top of the SHSR to-do list

Shanghai Sunrise does much more than educational scholarships — from organizing career days and facilitating internship opportunities to providing new experiences. We strongly believe in education outside the classroom, and 2022 is off to a great start with several personal development activities. Here are a few of the events that have or will be taking place at the beginning of 2022.

Mentoring Program: Rotary Club Shanghai
On 4 January 2022, two Shanghai Sunrise university students participated in the Rotary Club’s student orientation meeting. Each student was paired with a mentor to discuss their studies, challenges and future plans.
Qi Zhenyi, was paired with Mr. Motohiro Yamane, a Rotary Club member and lawyer. “Mr. Yamane shared his learning methods with me and his college experience,” said Qi. “Through our conversation, I was able to identify new methods of learning, and I am encouraged to seek help from teachers.”

“I would like to express my gratitude to the mentors of the Rotary Club and Shanghai Sunrise for providing us with this valuable opportunity” he added. “I gained a lot from this student guidance activity. It provided me with a valuable learning experience and reference for future planning at this transition stage of my life.”
Li Peng was paired with one of the founders of the Shanghai Rotary Club. “I had a good time learning about the Rotary Club and spending the evening with Mr. Frank Yih for whom I have gained immense respect.

“Mr. Yih told me that if I want to be a teacher, it is important for me to learn how to inspire and lead children,” he shared. “I have gained useful knowledge and can’t wait to attend the next activity!”

Temple of Light Exhibition

More than 40 Shanghai Sunrise students experienced the Temple of Light exhibition on 20 January 2022. For many of our students, this was the first time they had the opportunity to visit an immersive exhibit of this kind.

Qi Zhenyi, who currently attends The Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, was particularly interested in the Ukiyo-e Visions theme. “I really enjoyed the light show,” said Qi. “The exhibition is able to translate the artist’s paintings into dynamic works of art without changing the original concept. The once static paintings, appear to have emotion and feel alive.”

Chen Yue, who studies at Shanghai Ocean University, enjoyed both the Ukiyo-e Visions and Mutations themes. “One of the highlights for me, was the visual display of nature and traditional customs,” said Chen.

Both students shared their interest in attending not only educational activities, but also cultural and developmental activities “Shanghai Sunrise helps us improve our cognitive levels in terms of culture and vision,” explained Qi. “I am very glad to participate in these activities.”

The Temple of Light exhibition aspires to provide novel experiences, delight visitors and inspire audiences with a new understanding of art. On behalf of Shanghai Sunrise and our students, we would like to thank the Temple of Light exhibition organizers for this wonderful experience.

Online English Corner
Last year, Shanghai Sunrise launched its Online English Corner, which assists students who want to improve their English language skills. Through conversations on various topics of interest, students are given an opportunity to practice their speaking, listening and reading skills with a native English speaker who has not only mastered the language but can offer insight into culture and phrasing that cannot be learnt from textbooks alone.
The 2022 program promises to be bigger and better than the last, with more than triple the number of volunteer speakers.

To further equip our students, we have received a generous technology equipment donation from Otto International, which comprises desktops, iPhones and laptops. These electronic devices will be passed on to some of our students.
A big thank you to all our sponsors, partners and volunteers for their continued support. Together we can work towards Shanghai Sunrise’s vision of a brighter future for disadvantaged youth in Shanghai through access to education and personal development. We look forward to many more events in 2022.