Program Partner
In 2017, Shanghai Sunrise launched the Student Support Program to provide a focal point for Students in difficulty. Like most youths in high school, students in our program face typical challenges like homework, peer pressure and the pressure to do well in school. They also have the added burden of growing up in a family with limited financial security and have usually suffered hardship.
The Student Support Program aims to address this serious need for support by providing training events to equip students with basic life-skill programs; resources to facilitate career development; stress management workshops, and referrals to appropriate helpline and medical services.
Become a Student Support Program Partner today and provide some of the necessary support needed for career development opportunities, or pro-bono services such as counseling or tuition. With your organization's support, we can make a real difference in the lives of 'at-risk' young people and help enable them to realize their full potential.
If your organization is interested in partnering with us as a program partner, or would like to discuss other ideas and opportunities, please contact us: +86 21 3209-5567 or email admin@shanghaisunrise.com.