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Our corporate partners are vital to building our programs for young people.
Everyone understands the importance of education. Shanghai Sunrise strongly believes that a good education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and can create a better future for young people and their families. In China, millions of people are faced with the reality that they cannot afford to send their children to school, leaving these young people with little hope for their future.
We are always on the look out for partnerships that are mutually beneficial and aligned with our values and vision of education for all. As a company, you can help us to achieve effective and sustainable change in Shanghai and make a significant difference in the lives of underprivileged young people and their communities. Here are some of the ways your company can get involved:
-Fundraise (find out how you can help raise funds to support education for 'at-risk' youths)
-In-kind Donations
-Event Partner (Support our events)
-Program Partner (Support our students through Student Support Program)
-Volunteer & Skill Sharing (We are always on the look out for skilled volunteers to assist in building capacity and development within Shanghai Sunrise.)
Alternatively, you can talk to our team to discuss other ways to work, that may be of interest to your company.
We hope that you will join us on our journey to create a better world for these young people and their families!
For more information, please telephone +86 21 3209-5567 or email
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